Weight Loss Through Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Weight Loss

Weight Loss Through Hypnotherapy - Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket


Weight Loss Through Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Perhaps one of the most satisfying aspects of being a hypnotherapist is when I help someone finally take control over their eating habits. After what may have been a lifetime of struggle, frustration and inconsistency, my weight loss clients learn to calmly and consistently make healthier food choices and decisions.

For some, their unhealthy relationship with food started as a child and just continued to be an ongoing issue from them onwards. Others found that once they had the freedom to make their own eating decisions then snacking, sugar and overeating started. And most clients already know what they should be eating, yet their mindset, experiences and habits continue to thwart them. Positive results may come for a time and then they find themselves drifting back to what they were doing before and any weight they have lost comes back on. It can seem like a form of self sabotage where you eat in ways that you know are not good for you.

Sometimes you will have tried lots of different diets and plans over the years, maybe getting some weight loss results for a while but then struggling to maintain it if your motivation wavers or when you try to eat normally. You may eat emotionally when stressed, anxious, happy, sad or worried and find it hard not to fall back into this long used method of managing your emotions. Or it may be that you’ve just developed some unhealthy habits and behaviours around food that mean you are eating more than you need, struggling to resist temptation or just plodding along doing the same old things with no clear focus.

Whether you want to be healthier and happier, to look good and feel good, or you want to be fitter and in better shape, hypnotherapy can help you to make positive, sustainable changes that will allow you to make progress towards being the size, shape and weight you desire.



Successfully Changing Eating Behaviours

I’ve helped many people to take control over eating habits and achieve weight loss through hypnotherapy. If you are not happy with your eating behaviours and relationship with food and you know what you should be doing yet struggle to implement it, then hypnotherapy can help.

By changing your mindset, habits and psychology around food then you find yourself consistently doing the right things and making healthy decisions. In the same way that unhealthy eating behaviours have led to gradual weight gain, consistently making healthy choices allows you to gradually and sustainably take control over your eating.

And if you’d like to know more about what can be achieved then do take a look at this recent client review:


Control Eating Habits - Weight Loss Hypnotherapy in Ely


Here’s what Nicola had to say:

“I’m just coming to the end of a 9 session block of therapy to help with weight loss. Thanks to Dan, after struggling with weight loss all my adult life, I really do feel “I’ve got this”. The combination of advice, talking therapy and hypnotherapy has finally got me on the road to sustainable healthy eating. The therapy has resulted in steady weight loss over the last couple of months. More importantly it has given me a positive attitude to diet and exercise which will be essential for me to reach my ultimate goal of achieving a healthy weight for life.”

Awesome feedback! And if you want to know more about weight loss through hypnotherapy then there’s also a load more information, strategies and advice in these previous articles:

Changing Eating Habits With Hypnosis – Weight Loss Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Weight Loss – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Nutritional Wisdom and Food Choices – Weight Loss Hypnotherapy 

Hypnosis and Mindfulness For Weight Loss Success

What Are The Key Strategies for Weight Loss Success?

Weight Loss and the Impact of Self-Hypnosis

Overcoming Emotional Eating – New Weight Loss Video Testimonial



Weight Loss Experiences Through Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy can help you with the psychological and emotional aspects that are often a component of ongoing unhealthy eating patterns. As we are all creatures of habit, pattern and repetition we tend to do the same things around food and eating that we’ve done before. This is part of why losing weight, changing eating habits and maintaining it over the ling term can often feel like such a challenge.

After the initial surge of determination and motivation, or an urgent need for corrective action for your health, many weight loss strategies and diets become difficult to maintain and you end up regaining any weight you have lost over time. Before you know it, all the hard work and sacrifice has come to nothing and you end up where you started, or sometimes even more overweight than before your most recent weight loss attempt. Rather than being something you force and make yourself do, your healthy relationship with food and positive eating habits need to become more of a lifestyle than a quick fix.

Weight loss through hypnotherapy can help you to amend, update and change the emotional and psychological factors that influence your eating decisions and behaviours. You can find more constructive ways to deal with stress and other emotions that don’t involve seeking a sugar or junk food hit. You can develop the ability to easily keep your focus on your health goals, to maintain motivation and momentum and to make the kind of decisions around food and exercise that you want to be making. You can take control over your eating habits and make these, healthier, more positive, thoughts, feelings and behaviours your new normal.

Roslim et al (2023) conducted a qualitative study to explore individuals’ experiences of losing weight through hypnotherapy and their perceived barriers and facilitators for healthy
lifestyle changes. One of the themes that emerged was the usefulness of hypnotherapy as part of the weight loss journey. Their hypnotherapy sessions helped participants to keep on track and it helped them get back on track when they strayed from their goal. The hypnotherapy also helped with increasing mindful eating and motivation, being physically active and making healthier food purchasing decisions.  They were now more aware of their actual feelings of hunger and fullness and knew when to stop eating to avoid overeating.

In conclusion, this study demonstrated the positive role of hypnotherapy as an adjunct to standard care in supporting weight loss by increasing mindfulness of eating and
This is all very positive and sits nicely with the weight loss hypnotherapy review that I shared above.motivation for a healthier lifestyle.

Despite the successful weight loss, participants reported that the journey was challenging and often influenced by personal, social, and environmental factors, in both positive and negative ways. And, of course, there will also always be some barriers and challenges along the way with any weight loss journey. For example, I always talk to my clients about how their hypnotherapy sessions make it easier to be in control over eating decisions, yet as they are the ones eating and putting the food in their mouth, they still need to be mindful and orchestrate their own decision making process. There may be occasions that might be a little more of a challenge at first yet you can learn to handle these and not act on impulse or in old habitual ways. Other people may seemingly try to sabotage your success and so building strong foundations of self esteem and assertiveness can be valuable in staying on track in doing what is right for you when around others.

And, of course, you’ve got to want to make the changes and to achieve your goals and to put the right amount of time, energy and effort into something that is important to you. Hypnotherapy can assist you massively yet you’ve still got to do some stuff if you want to achieve the size, shape and weight you are seeking.

All of which means that if you have been struggling with changing eating habits, altering your long standing relationship with food or in managing emotional eating and other challenges around weight loss, then this is further evidence that hypnotherapy may bring the additional support and strategies you need to successfully achieve your weight loss goals.


To your health and happiness,

Dan Regan

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket


Need some help with weight loss and to take control over eating habits? Book your Complimentary Hypnotherapy Strategy Session to chat about weight loss hypnotherapy with Dan now: Appointments

Find out what other people have said after their hypnotherapy sessions for weight loss and controlling eating habits: Hypnotherapy Testimonials

And check out these powerful weight loss hypnosis downloads that can start helping you right away: Hypnosis Downloads



Roslim, N.A., Ahmad, A., Mansor, M., Aung, M.M.T., Hamzah, F. and Lua, P.L., 2023. A Qualitative Exploration of Weight Loss Experiences through Hypnotherapy. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis71(3), pp.235-249.



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