Fear of Birds Review – Hypnotherapy For Fears and Phobias

Phobias and Fears

Fear of Birds Hypnotherapy Review - Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely

Fear of Birds Review – Hypnotherapy For Fears and Phobias

In this article, I’m sharing a fear of birds review video from one of my recent hypnotherapy clients.

Fears and phobias can be funny things. You know that your phobia is irrational yet you still get the same old fear, anxiety and panic about whatever it is. I’ve helped people with the more common fears and phobias, like flying, driving, needles, blood and injections. And phobias can attach themselves to any other manner of things, such as spiders, balloons, certain sounds, sickness, clowns and almost anything else you can think of.

Whatever your feared thing, you dread encountering it and you probably do all you can to avoid it. And if you can’t avoid it, you get out of there as quickly as you can because the panic and fear are so great. Your heart races, you feel tense, your breathing rate increases, and all you can do is fixate on the thing that your brain perceives as a threat. The fear quickly takes over your thoughts and feelings.

Recently, I was working with someone who struggled with a fear of birds and who couldn’t go anywhere near them. Now, she is getting on with life free of her old fear. You can watch her video review below.


Fear of Birds Hypnotherapy Review

Having a fear of birds can be hugely limiting upon your life. After all, birds are everywhere, and especially where there are people and food. Often pigeons are the worst because they will come right up to you in their search for food. They are unpredictable in that they can fly up or down, or appear, at any given moment. There could be a pigeon around any street corner and you know they are going to be near train stations, shops and food places. Whilst most of us probably give them little attention, with a fear of birds your focus is trained in upon them. They seem to be everywhere you go and you feel anxious just anticipating going places because of the birds you may encounter.

I recently covered the fear of birds in this article: Fear of Birds Hypnotherapy

To find out more about how Chelsea overcame her fear of birds with hypnotherapy do click on this image and have a watch of her review video:


It’s always awesome when someone overcomes their fear and phobia and just starts getting on with life with a sense of calmness and freedom.


Phobias and Fears

Phobias can be learnt from a one off negative experience. They often start when you are very young and it may feel like it has always been a thing. You may or may not remember exactly when and why it started, yet you’ll definitely have many memories of times the fear has impacted upon you. For whatever reason, your mind has attached a sense of threat and danger to the thing you fear, even though you know logically that it cannot harm you.

As Chelsea has shown here (as have many other people who have left reviews over on these pages: What People Say), it is very possible to overcome that fear and to move forward without your phobia. No matter how long you’ve had the phobia, and how habitually hard wired it seems right now, you can take back control over your thoughts and feeling and become more relaxed, calm and at ease as you go about your everyday life.

To your health and happiness, 

Dan Regan

The Award Winning Anxiety Hypnotherapist in Ely & Newmarket


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