Fear of Birds Hypnotherapy
Do you struggle with a fear of birds? If so, then of all of our feathered ‘friends’, pigeons are very likely to be your worst nightmare. Pigeons, especially those used to being around people, may come quite close in their search for food. And even with your ‘bird radar’ on constant alert, you can come across a pigeon around any corner and be filled with instant fear. Of course, your fear of birds will likely apply to them all, yet my clients always talk about those, seemingly everywhere, pigeons.
Pigeons will come up to you and near to you looking for food. They will happily hang around, often in big cooing gangs, in any public places. They think there is food and swoop down and will wander closely over to anyone who is, or may, be eating in the hope of some crumbs. You know they will be lurking around and just the thought of encountering birds may fill you with dread and anxiety. And when you encounter one (or more) your fear escalates to another level, You have to stay on constant alert when you are out and about because at any moment you may be forced to face your dreaded fear.
If you have a fear of birds then you already know they are everywhere. Someone without your fear may not even notice them or give them a thought. Yet for you, birds may be all you can think about and notice when you are out and about. Even TV adverts seem to be filled with birds, such as funky pigeons, these days. And if you’ve been struggling with the fear and anxiety then fear of birds hypnotherapy may be just what you need to help you feel better.
And if you are of a certain generation (like I am!) then you may very well remember the ‘Stop the Pigeon’ cartoon where Dastardly and Muttley, and assorted others associated with them, would try and do whatever they could to stop a carrier pigeon from reaching it’s destination. I can’t remember where the pigeon was going, or why it had to be stopped so that the message didn’t get through, but stopped it must be (amusing and unsuccessfully). I suppose these days it would be like having a cartoon of someone trying to stop an email or a Whatsapp reaching the recipient. That would not make a very entertaining kids cartoon.
The theme tune went along these lines: