Stress Relief: How To Relieve Stress

Anxiety Stress and Panic Attacks



Stress Relief: How To Relieve Stress – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Are you desperately seeking stress relief? In this article I’ll give you some practical ways to relieve stress levels.

After all, April 2016 is National Stress Awareness Month and an opportunity to put effective steps in place that will help you find stress relief and move forward feeling calmer and more in control.

Because stress is a problem. Some surveys show that over 50% of people in the UK struggle to relieve stress levels and, according to the Health & Safety Executive, 9.9 MILLION working days were lost to stress in 2014/5.

So if you feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with the demands and challenges in your life then read on to find out how to relieve stress and get back your strength and control.



Symptoms of Stress

We all know what it feels like to be stressed, and often it is one of those words we use quite freely to describe how we feel in a moment or about something we need to progress or resolve.

Yet overwhelming stress can make it feel like there is no end in sight.

You might feel irritable, on edge and short tempered. You might feel anxious, depressed and full of dread. And it is common for stress to make you feel like your mind is racing and you can’t switch off your thoughts.


stress relief, how to relieve stress hypnotherapy in Ely


If you feel overwhelmed with stress you may have lost enjoyment in things, struggle to concentrate and be unable to focus for long enough on one thing to get it done. Some people feel angry, others tearful and you may be relying on smoking or drinking.

Your appetite may be affected and it may keep you awake at night.

And often there are physical symptoms such as headaches, aches and pains, muscle tension and stomach problems.



What is Stress?

Whilst a bit of stress is natural occasionally, it becomes a problem when is it consistent, persistent and you feel unable to copy. You desperately crave stress relief yet your mind and body are in overdrive, responding to all the worries, concerns and psychological ‘threats’ running through your mind.

Pressures, life changes and feeling out of control about a situation can all combine to leave you overwhelmed and under pressure.



Stress Relief and How To Relieve Stress

To start to relieve your stress and tension, take these steps to regain feeling calm, confident and in control:

1) Why the Stress?

Is it work, friendships, relationships, study, family, money, deadlines or some other pressure that is driving your stress levels sky high? Get to know the stress beast so you can tame it.

Take some quiet time, sit down with a blank piece of paper and write down all the things that you have been worrying about and stressing about. Write down anything and everything that comes to mind including people and situations. Then once you have done this, start thinking about practical and positive ways you can take action or find relief from those things.


2) Sweating The Stuff

As you think of those things that are making you feel stressed, tense and worried, start to ask yourself whether they are really as big as you have been thinking.

After all, what would happen if you missed that deadline by a day – would you really get sacked and become destitute? Could you speak to your boss now and let him know the situation rather than surprise him on deadline day?

As you look at your list also think, ‘when I look back on this in a month’s time, will I even remember it? Will it still seem important?’ Sure some things are that important and you need to find positive ways to find stress relief with those ones yet often we give equal weight to everything, feel unable to cope and forget that in fact it is small stuff.


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3) Get Active

With all that adrenaline and cortisol running through you, you need to have a physical outlet. If you already regularly exercise then this may be covered, but if not, or on rest days, get out for a 15 minute walk. Get out, be active and just take the time to notice the world around you.


4) Stop Fuelling The Fire

If you are struggling with stress you may have turned to caffeine, alcohol, food, drugs or cigarettes to try and relive stress levels. Yet all these things either mask the real issues or just make you feel more stressed and out of control.

If you have been relying on them then start reigning things back starting now.


5) Do Something Fun

Stress has a way of sucking the fun out of your life. If you have stopped doing things you enjoy then restart them (even if you have to push yourself at first). Meet up with friends who make you laugh, watch something funny on TV, read a book, peruse a hobby or do whatever allows you to reconnect to the things that bring joy into your life.


stress hypnotherapy in ely


6) Relax Quickly

To relieve stress, learn to use your breathing to kick start your relaxation response. Any time the stress starts to get too much, start breathing deeply.

When you feel stressed your breathing gets quicker and more shallow as you breath higher up in your chest. So reverse this by making sure your out breath is longer than your in breath. Count for a slow count of 5 as you breathe in and then slow count to 7 on your out breath. This stimulates your relaxation response and allows you to quickly feel calmer and think more quickly.


7) Take Time To Feel Calm

Learn how to relax and give your mind and body some well needed time off from all those feelings and thoughts. The easiest way to do this is by using my free rapid relaxation hypnosis MP3. Find time to listen every day and let your mind cool down and slow down. In no time at all you will start to reap the benefits.

Help With Stress Relief

If you could benefit from professional help to relieve stress levels then get in touch and we can arrange your free initial consultation. Take your first step to stress relief and regain control.

To your success

Dan Regan

Stress Relief Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

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