Anxiety Hypnotherapy Reviews

Anxiety Stress and Panic Attacks

Anxiety Hypnotherapy Reviews - Dan Regan Hypnotherapy Ely


Anxiety Hypnotherapy Reviews

Writing as someone who used to struggle with anxiety issues, I know how limiting, distressing and debilitating it can be. I also know that it is very possible to overcome unnecessary anxiety and how wonderful and freeing that feels. Having been there, it probably explains why I cover anxiety so often in my articles. I probably also (at least partly) explains why I get such good results with anyone who comes to me for help with anxiety. I’ve been there and I get it.

When you struggle with anxiety, it can be a very lonely place. You can get lost in your own uncomfortable feelings and negative thoughts. Your focus is all internal and you can feel disconnected from other people and things. Sometimes it feels like no one around you understands. Or it may be that you try to hide from them what is going on for you at the moment. It can feel like you are on your own and that no one else is struggling in the way that you are right now.

That’s why, in this article today, I’m sharing some recent anxiety hypnotherapy reviews. I want you to know that there is hope and that there is support available that can help you to quickly and effectively soon feel better.


Hypnotherapy Feedback

As you’ll know by now there are well over four hundred written and video hypnotherapy reviews over in the What People Say section of my website: What People Say

Naturally I’m not going to copy over all of them here! So here are three lovely anxiety hypnotherapy reviews that are from people I’ve been helping recently:


Severe Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Ely

Here’s what Louise said about her hypnotherapy session results:

Highly recommend Dan he has helped me massively. I was struggling for months with server anxiety and tried so many different ways to help it but nothing worked and as soon as I started sessions with Dan I noticed a difference straight away and now have almost completely got rid of my anxiety.
Dan made me feel very comfortable and relaxed through all my sessions and has completely changed my mind set.
I feel like I have got my life back on track.”


Hypnotherapy for Surgery Anxiety

Linda said,

I went to see Dan as I was suffering with extreme anxiety about an upcoming surgery. He was kind enough to fit me in for 2 sessions beforehand. I can honestly say it was the best thing I could have done. The day of the surgery I felt a calm come over me. I do not think I would have been able to get through this without Dan’s help. I would highly recommend Dan.”


Anxiety Hypnosis in Ely


And Carole’s feedback about her sessions:

I went to see Dan regarding my anxiety which had become so bad that I resigned from my career of 24 years. My confidence was at rock bottom and I couldn’t see me ever working again.

It took me a while to contact Dan as I was scared that he wouldn’t be able to help me and I didn’t feel strong enough to cope with another failure. However I did download his free hypnosis recording which I listened to many times and this gave me the confidence to contact him.

At the introductory meeting (free of charge) I told Dan about my issues and worries and how they were affecting my daily life, during the meeting he was kind and attentive which enabled me to be open and honest with him.

Since working with Dan I can honestly say my anxiety has greatly reduced, so much so I have applied for a job, I genuinely didn’t think I would ever feel confident to do this.

Dan gave me strategies to use between sessions which have proved invaluable and easy to incorporate into my daily life. I am sleeping better and I am dealing with my longstanding worries in a far more realistic and proportionate way.

I can’t recommend Dan highly enough.


If you are struggling with anxiety then I hope that these reviews give you some hope and inspiration that things can improve for you and that you can start feeling better. Sometimes it may feel like things can never get better so please take confidence from what others have said and know that you very much can start feeling better. You can very much overcome your anxiety and start feeling calm, confident and in control.

And if I can help in any way to get you feeling better sooner than do get in touch. I love helping people like you overcome anxiety so it would be great to meet you. And you never know, maybe it will be your positive feedback that I’ll be sharing next time.


To your health and happiness, 

Dan Regan

Ely Business Person of the Year

Award Winning Anxiety Hypnotherapist in Ely & Newmarket


Struggling with anxiety, stress, worry and fear and need some help? Find out how I can help with a Complimentary Hypnotherapy Strategy Session. Learn more here: Appointments

Find out what hundreds of other people have said after their hypnotherapy sessions with Dan: Hypnotherapy Testimonials

And check out these popular and powerful hypnosis downloads that can start helping you right away with anxiety, confidence and more: Hypnosis Downloads



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