Anxiety Stress and Panic Attacks

Workplace Anxiety – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Workplace Anxiety – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Workplace Anxiety – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

If you struggle with workplace anxiety, it can start to dominate all of your waking hours. We all spend so much time at work, often with the same old pattern of tasks, situations, people and environments.

If there is something, or someone, at work that causes your anxiety levels to rise then it can become a real problem. You find yourself thinking ahead and feeling stressed in the morning as you get ready. On your commute you notice that the worst case scenarios and uncomfortable feelings grow and grow. And at work you can feel totally stressed, worried and anxious in a way that makes you feel bad and stops you getting on with the things you need to do. You may then worry about not doing your job very well and getting in trouble over it.

With workplace anxiety, your evening can be filled with a sense of relief that you’ve made it through another day yet tinged with the dread that the next day will be another exhausting internal battle. You may find yourself thinking and talking about work issues all of the time and struggling to sleep each night as you worry about the next day and play out things in your mind. And, of course, many people need help to overcome their fear of public speaking such as workplace presentations and meetings.

Recently I was was working with someone who would wake in the night thinking about work, would be unable to eat from stress in the morning and then struggled to get out of the car and go into the office. Now, she’s happily getting on with things, rather than putting them off, and feeling happier and more herself again.

There was also a client who had anxiety when seeing, or even thinking about, a particular colleague. The mention of their name, the sound of their voice or an email from them popping up would all cause workplace anxiety. Thankfully, it is very possible to change your response and interactions with someone at work to something more calm, composed and confident.

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Healthcare Anxiety

Healthcare Anxiety

Healthcare Anxiety – Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

Do you struggle with healthcare anxiety?

Healthcare anxiety can be a constant lingering worry that lurks at the back of your mind. You see things on TV and in the press about health issues. People tell you about their ailments and treatments. Maybe you even have something that you know you should probably get checked out but your anxiety holds you back and leaves you overthinking and worrying about it.

You’ve probably got used to avoiding going to the doctor or having any investigations or tests. Yet you know that in all likelihood, at some point in your life you are going to have to face it head on. Sooner or later, you know that you will need to get something looked at or have something done. Even the thought of it can be enough to raise your blood pressure and give you restless moments.

Medical procedures and appointments are a normal part of life. You may need to visit your GP for a check up, undergo a procedure at hospital or need an injection or blood test. You may be ok with some of these things yet there is some part of healthcare that fills you with immense dread, fear and worry.

With health anxiety, medically related things (sometimes even if for someone else rather than yourself) can fill you with anxiety, dread and fear. You try to avoid medical things. But at some point avoidance no longer becomes an option and you have to face it. That’s when you need to learn how to change your mindset, calm your anxiety, think clearly and change that old healthcare anxiety habit.

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Ely Standard Think Local Campaign Features Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

Ely Standard Think Local Campaign Features Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

Ely Standard Think Local Campaign Features Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

The Ely Standard is currently running a Think Local campaign to promote some of the awesome local businesses that we have here in Ely.

And this week I’m delighted that Dan Regan Hypnotherapy is the featured business!

I’m hugely grateful to the Ely Standard for profiling my business and it is lovely to be covered alongside some of the other brilliant local businesses who have already features as part of the campaign (such as Odyssey Games and FRESH). I’m looking forward to learning about more of the businesses in Ely as the Ely Standard campaign continues.

You can read the full Ely Standard article here:

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Fear of Being Sick – Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Fear of Being Sick – Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Fear of Being Sick – Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Do you struggle with a fear of being sick?

When someone comes to see me about their fear of sick, they are often surprised when I tell them how common a thing it is that I help people with. As with many fears, you can get good at avoiding situations associated with sickness and vomiting. And you can become an expert in keeping it under wraps no matter how anxious you are feeling.

If you struggle with a fear of being sick (emetophobia), then you can worry that you, yourself, will be sick and you can feel anxious that someone around you will vomit. You may hate any reference to feeling sick or being unwell and avoid anyone who has been unwell until you can be sure that the danger period is over. When you hear about sickness bugs going around you may feel tense and on edge and avoid even more people and situations.

The likelihood is that you don’t like to drink much alcohol because of the risk of being sick, and you may worry about social events with alcohol in case someone else vomits. Certain forms of travel associated with potential sickness, such as flying and boats, may be no-go areas. I’ve known clients who tell me that even their pet cat or dog being sick is enough to trigger the panic.

You may avoid certain ‘higher-risk’ foods or those linked in your mind to sickness in some way. A feeling in your stomach may be enough to convince you that you are definitely going to be sick this time (just as you were certain last time, when it didn’t happen). And even watching an actor on screen being unwell may be too much for you to cope with. The more people there are somewhere, especially if someone burps, coughs or splutters while eating, the higher the risk. And fairground rides that cause that wavey feeling in your belly are probably a no-go for you right now too.

Being sick is a normal human function (at the right time) and usually someone with emetophobia hasn’t actually vomited on many occasions. However, the fear is so great that it can stop you doing things you’d like to do and it can rule your life at times.

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Two Types of Anxiety – Anxiety Help in Ely and Newmarket

Two Types of Anxiety – Anxiety Help in Ely and Newmarket

Two Types of Anxiety – Anxiety Help in Ely and Newmarket

When you break it down, you could say that there are two types of anxiety. And that’s not only about what you think and feel, or how you currently do those things in a way that makes you feel anxious.

I was chatting about this, the two types of anxiety, with a client earlier this week. Either your anxiety comes in high and you need to know how to quickly and effectively bring it down again. Or your anxiety starts small and starts to grow. In this case, you need to know how to cut it off at that point. Of course, overall you want less and less unnecessary moment of anxiety, yet all emotions are normal human reactions so you want to know how to manage your own thoughts and feelings effectively. What you do in either of these situations dictates how bad you feel and how long you feel bad for.

We can all have some moments where our feelings kick in seemingly instantly and sometimes at an intense level. It’s very similar to the startle response. You are going about your day and suddenly and unexpectedly a loud noise goes off right near you. You flinch, automatically take a big breath in and all your focus goes onto the source of the sound. Sometimes you may even feel your heart rate increase and a bit of adrenaline going through you. You the realise it was just a sound and that all is well and your feelings and responses settle down and return to normal.

With anxiety, sometimes an old association, trigger or habit can mean it suddenly feels like your anxiety has instantly rocketed. It feels like it is so fast, and perhaps unexpected, that you have no time to react. You are filled with uncomfortable anxious feelings. Of course, you can lessen this happening through hypnotherapy. Yet, when it happens you may find that the things you think, feel and do next just add to how anxious you feel and how long you suffer with it until it subsides. You need to know what you can do in that moment so that you aren’t just inadvertently adding to your own anxiety. This is when that sense of anxiety being unpredictable and capable of striking at any time can lead to worrying about becoming anxious. You find yourself fearing the fear.

In other moments, you feel a little anxious and then this starts to grow. You notice those first physical sensations, start focusing upon them and start thinking about how bad you feel. You worry about other people noticing. You worry about the anxiety getting worse. You worry about worst case scenarios. Those inner thoughts make you feel more fearful and your anxiety rises. This leads to a spiral of feeling even worse, thinking more and more catastrophically and an escalation of anxiety. In these cases, you need to be able to cut off the anxiety before it spirals out of control. You need to have the sense of capability and the confidence to know you can do this quickly and effectively.

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Anxiety and Worst Case Scenarios

Anxiety and Worst Case Scenarios

Anxiety and Worst Case Scenarios

Anxiety and worst case scenarios go hand in hand. Or, if you prefer, imagined catastrophic scenario by imagined catastrophic scenario.

You start to think about some upcoming situation, person, time or place. Your feelings of anxiety, dread and fear begin to kick in and rise. And that anxiety and fear drives your imagination into all sorts of potential disastrous places. You find yourself thinking of all the things that could go wrong and then your imagination moves onto the ongoing fall out as a result of it. Whatever the particular scenario, it always ends in immense disaster for you.

The more you feel that anxiety and overthink and dwell upon the worst case scenarios, the worse you feel and the more other negative things you can find yourself contemplating. You wonder how you will handle, deal and cope with things when they go wrong, as it seems in your head that they inevitably must. You start to associate anxiety with the things you are thinking about until just a fleeting thought or passing mention of that thing can set you on edge.

It doesn’t matter what the upcoming thing actually is. It could be something coming up at work, a social situation, getting on a plane, making a speech, seeing that person again, or any number of things.  And because anxiety can generalise, any other similar things get coloured by the same feelings of anxiety, fear and dread. Anxiety moves on from one thing to the next until soon you find yourself carried along on a wave of feeling worse and worse.

These movies in your mind can take over your thinking and fill you with dread. Even though you know things may not turn out the way you are imagining, you still feel anxious and think of all the worst case scenarios.

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Anxiety Hypnosis Download Reviews

Anxiety Hypnosis Download Reviews

Anxiety Hypnosis Download Reviews

As you’ll already know from reading these articles, one of my biggest passions in life is helping others to overcome their anxiety. Having struggled with anxiety in the past myself, I know how awful if feels when you are filled with dread and fear. It can be debilitating and it limits your life and what you feel able to go and do. It’s like a constant shadow lurking beside you, ready to strike and escalate at any given moment. No wonder people start to feel anxious about the possibility that they may feel anxious.

Yet it is very possible to learn how to calm that anxiety so that you feel more confident and happier in your life. Right now, all those worst case scenarios and catastrophic thoughts, and the bad feelings that go with them, may seem to have a life of their own. That pattern and habit of anxiety seems to do its own thing and you are just forced to endure it and suffer.

However, by learning how to take back control over your own thoughts and feelings, you can start to feel better in yourself. You aren’t looking to never feel anxious again because sometimes a reasonable and proportionate feeling of anxiety is needed in certain situations to help you to look after yourself. But you can certainly get rid of the unnecessary anxiety, that stuff that impacts upon you negatively when you know there is no real reason for it. Life would be good without that anxiety and it is certainly possible for you to accomplish that.

And one of the things that can help with overcoming anxiety are hypnosis downloads. All of my anxiety clients get a copy of my anxiety relief hypnosis download and many others have benefited too after grabbing a copy from my online shop. It becomes one of your most useful and proactive tools for managing your own thoughts and feelings.

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Free Relaxation Hypnosis Download

Free Relaxation Hypnosis Download

Free Relaxation Hypnosis Download

It’s been a manic start to the year for all sorts of reasons. And when things get busy, it is easy to start to feel overwhelmed. That in turn can lead to overthinking, trouble switching off, anxiety, stress and a sense of psychological loneliness.

If you have been struggling with anxiety, stress and overthinking then hypnotherapy can help you (just check out the reviews on this website!) and it is worth coming along to find out how you can take back control over your habitual thoughts and feelings and so feel better.

Yet I think everyone can benefit from taking the time to mentally and physically switch off and recharge. In these days of busyness and constant demands, as well as constant stimulus from screens, having some time to truly switch off is often seen as a luxury. Taking some time for yourself is seen as an addition to life, rather than a fundamental.

And so if you could use some help to mentally relax, recharge and reset then do head over and grab your copy of my free relaxation hypnosis download. It’s a gift from me to you and from you to your sense of well-being. I think you’l enjoy it (at least based upon what other people tell me). You can get it here right now:

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Anxiety and Certainty – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Anxiety and Certainty – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Anxiety and Certainty – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

If you struggle with anxiety then you already know how you can quickly and easily get caught up in the whirlwind of anxious thoughts and feelings. Your head fills with all the possible worst case scenarios about what is going to happen in some future time, situation, circumstance or event. You catastrophise, dwell and overthink all the possible bad stuff that could be coming your way.

As if that constant stream of negative thinking wasn’t enough, you also struggle with the unpleasant and uncomfortable anxious feelings and sensations that take over how you feel. You feel agitated, restless and tense. Your heart may race and you can have trouble switching off. You may struggle to rest, eat, sleep and even function.

Whether your mind fixes on one worst case thing that could happen or your thinking jumps, races and cycles from one thing to the next faster than you can grasp it, the end result is that you feel anxious, worried and down.

Anxiety thrives on uncertainty and the unknown. You have no way of knowing how things will pan out and so your anxious imagination and focus can run wild with possibilities. Whether you picture scenarios in your mind or have a running conversation with yourself, there is dread, worry and a sense of impending doom. Of course, because your anxiety is about some future thing, it is impossible to get total certainty over what might happen and you just can’t be completely sure that everything will be ok.

Because you can’t know what will happen, your anxious thoughts and feelings flow into that space of uncertainty.  You feel anxious and that drives your imagination to find a focus for your fear. You imagine the worst and that ramps up your anxious feelings. The worse you feel, the more you can find to worry about and dread. You may even find yourself going beyond that initial catastrophe and focusing upon all the ongoing future waves and ripples of disaster that you worry will follow on from it.

So how can you take back control over your anxious thoughts and feelings even in the face of that lack of certainty?

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Storm of Anxiety Hypnosis Download Now Available

Storm of Anxiety Hypnosis Download Now Available

Storm of Anxiety Hypnosis Download Now Available

I’m very pleased to update you that my Storm of Anxiety Hypnosis Download is now available and ready to help you.

I covered this awesome anxiety alleviating process some time ago in one of my articles.

It’s all about how anxiety can come crashing down upon you like some sort of emotional storm. All may be well and you feel relatively ok in yourself. And then things seem to darken and you find yourself overwhelmed and over run with all your anxious thoughts and feelings. It’s very easy to get swept along by those worst case scenarios and catastrophes that swirl through your mind. And, along with this, you feel worse and worse as the uncomfortable and unpleasant anxious feelings sink into every part of your body.

With the emotional anxiety storm upon you, everything seems unsteady and unstable. There is a dark cloud over you that you can struggle to disperse. Faced with anxiety, it can be hard to stay grounded and present enough to let the emotional storm pass.

Anxiety storms can vary in their severity and duration. Sometimes things pass on quickly and at other times it just seems like the storm is never ending and that you will never feel better. This Storm of Anxiety hypnosis download will help you to stay present and grounded when an anxiety storm falls upon you. Through practice and repetition you get better and better at calmly handling whatever unwanted thoughts and feelings may come your way in life and getting through it all with renewed confidence and resilience.

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