Motivation Hypnotherapy in Ely: Transcript to hypnotherapy shorts video
Motivation Hypnotherapy
if you find yourself setting goals and then either not getting started and seeing it through, or maybe it starts off all right but then you lose track, you lose focus, you lose motivation, and it doesn’t get going anywhere and you find yourself back where you started, then do these three things.
Firstly, be very clear in your mind, look at the benefits, you know, why do you want to achieve that goal, what’s it going to bring for you, get for you, allow you to do. What are those positive benefits and really develop that sense of purpose and really have it there, inspiring, positive, motivating, in your mind before you even get started.
Secondly, be thinking about, you know, how are you going to know you’ve achieved that goal. Get very specific on it, but also be very clear about the steps along the way so that you can be focusing on each step as it comes along rather than getting lost in the big picture or getting overwhelmed by what you need to do or how far you need to go.
And then thirdly, as, you know, especially if you find yourself struggling with motivation, really be thinking to yourself, you know, how are you going to feel if you don’t do this, how that’s going to be in a week, a month, six months, a year from now if you haven’t taken action on this goal, if you haven’t made any changes, if you’re still doing the same old things in the same old way and getting the same old results. You know, maybe you’re going to be disappointed, frustrated, annoyed. Maybe it’s going to be, I need to start this again but it’s gonna be a sense of failure and really use that to motivate you to take the kind of actions you need to and take the small steps and nudge things forward. Because you can also then focus on how it’s going to be when you’ve achieved this, when you’ve achieved your goal, you’ve taken positive action, you’ve made changes in your life, you’re making your life how you want it to be, you’re feeling happy, you feeling better in yourself.
And then make that decision you could carry on just doing nothing or just giving up or lacking motivation or not being persistent and end up back where you started and frustrated, or make that decision that you’re going to start taking some action. Focus on the first step you need to and get that in place. Then focus on the next small step, and the next one, and create that kind of positive momentum and also you’re going to feel a lot better as a result of putting stuff in place, of developing, of taking action on your goal, of achieving your goal so make that decision, focus on that first step, have that sense of purpose and enjoy the results.
Dan Regan
Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket
There’s more about this subject in these articles:
Hypnosis For Motivation and Energy
Motivation and Achieving Goals – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket
Scrooge, the Ghost of Christmas Future and Increasing Motivation
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