About Hypnotherapist Dan Regan

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About Hypnotherapist Dan Regan

Whether you are looking to end your anxiety, worry and panic attacks, or to gain more confidence and happiness, my driving mission is to help you successfully get there.

Anxiety, stress and self-doubt don’t have to rule your life – I know because I’ve been there myself and it isn’t pleasant and it isn’t easy to find a way out of it on your own.

Since you are here right now, something tells me that there are issues in your life – your thoughts, feelings, behaviours or beliefs – that are causing you problems you haven’t been able to solve. You want to feel better, you want to enjoy life and achieve goals but anything you’ve tried so far has worked well enough to help you fix it.

I’d love to help you to overcome your problems and achieve your goals. After all, we all want to feel calm, confident and in control don’t we?

And whatever you are thinking right now, I know you can achieve this.

As a full time hypnotherapist, I’ve helped thousands of people worldwide to overcome their anxiety, fears and low self belief. You may have read the reviews and seen the videos of what people have said after working with me on my ‘What People Say‘ page.

If you’ve got a problem and nothing else has helped, and if you really want to feel better, then maybe you should get in touch today?


Ely Business Person of the Year


Award Winning Hypnotherapist, Runner & Proud Dad…

After my law degree at Leeds University, I headed back home to Cardiff where I started work in the legal public sector before switching over to the Cambridge Office with high hopes that there would be a bit less rain and a bit more sunshine in the East.

And whilst I did pretty well, rising up through the grades to management and senior management, I was always battling my anxiety and low self esteem which, doggedly and persistently, had followed me from my school days. 

Being around people made me anxious, speaking on the phone made me anxious, presentations and interviews were a worse prospect that death itself and sometimes I felt too bad to leave the house or could only go out after a long cry. I felt like two people – the ‘normal’ me who could be relaxed, funny and happy, and the anxious me filled with dread, worry and doubt.

Being sick of it, I went on a meandering journey through the world of self help and therapy. I read self help books like my life depended on it, yet somehow couldn’t make any of it work in real life very well. I listened to affirmation tapes and waited in vain for some magic change to happen. I went on seminars and training courses, which improved things, yet not completely and not when my anxiety was at its peak. I tried counselling and felt worse from talking over and over all the low-lights of my life.

Then I tried going to see a hypnotherapist and I was literally mentally blown away by the experience. As a result of the seemingly miraculous changes I experienced, I decided that no more should others have to wade through year after year of anxiety and empty promises in the way I had done. It could all be done more effectively, more quickly and with more lasting results.

Since then I’ve been a full time hypnotherapist and have worked with many, many hundreds of individuals to help them overcome anxiety, worry and self doubt and to regain a sense of happiness, strength and confidence.

When I’m not helping people feel better, you will probably find me being active out training for a marathon or throwing around tyres at bootcamp, or spending as much time as I can with my two favourite people in the world, my two teenage daughters. 


abolish anxiety dan regan3 ways I can help you right now 


1. Sign up for your FREE Rapid Relaxation hypnosis audio –

enjoy mental calmness and physical relaxation on demand


2. Read my Dan’s Blog to learn more about me,

my take on life, ways to feel better,

mental health, anxiety, research and a whole bunch of other beneficial stuff


3. Book your Complimentary Strategy Session Now – 

 let’s get started on helping you change your life for the better


You can also find all of my vlogs about mental health, anxiety and much more on this page: Dan’s Vlogs and this page: Hypnotherapy in Ely Video Shorts

If you are looking for information about hypnotherapy then do take a look at the hypnotherapy videos that you can find here: Hypnotherapy Information

Claim your FREE Consultation TODAY

Just call 01353 886158 to book your free 30 minute consultation. Discover how you can start feeling better quickly and effectively and ask any questions you may have before deciding to go ahead.

Call Dan today!

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Subscribe to Dan’s Digest filled with tips, strategies and techniques and get instant access to your free rapid relaxation hypnosis audio track.

Enjoy feeling and being more mentally calm and physically relaxed right now:

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Dan in the spotlight!

Click below to see Dan in the media

Hypnosis Downloads

Powerful hypnosis for download that will help you to overcome issues and achieve your goals. 

Hypnotherapy Video Testimonials

Click below to see dozens of videos from happy clients who have worked with Dan:

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