A few months ago, irrational health fears had control of my life. Routine trips to the doctor would scare me to the point that I actually made myself ill – which made my fear worse. I was locked in a cycle of obsession and anxiety – too ashamed to talk about it, because I felt stupid.
When I came to Dan, I found him so accepting and non-judgemental that talking was easy. Through his sessions, I’ve learned to calm my mind and switch off unwanted thoughts. It’s been fantastic to have him on my side as I’ve made progress – he’s helped me every step of the way. I now feel like the ‘normal’ person I so wanted to be.
For years, I’ve wanted to give blood. Previously the idea of it made me sick with worry as the process of donating blood was the most frightening situation I could imagine. Last night, I was immensely proud to send Dan a message telling him that I’d just donated blood. In fact, I’m looking forward to doing it again.
Dan’s put me back in control and my future is more exciting than ever, because if I can defeat my demons then I know I can do anything. Thanks Dan, I’m the bravest and happiest person I’ve ever been.