Fear of Birds Hypnotherapy
Do you struggle with a fear of birds? If so, then of all of our feathered ‘friends’, pigeons are very likely to be your worst nightmare. Pigeons, especially those used to being around people, may come quite close in their search for food. And even with your ‘bird radar’ on constant alert, you can come across a pigeon around any corner and be filled with instant fear. Of course, your fear of birds will likely apply to them all, yet my clients always talk about those, seemingly everywhere, pigeons.
Pigeons will come up to you and near to you looking for food. They will happily hang around, often in big cooing gangs, in any public places. They think there is food and swoop down and will wander closely over to anyone who is, or may, be eating in the hope of some crumbs. You know they will be lurking around and just the thought of encountering birds may fill you with dread and anxiety. And when you encounter one (or more) your fear escalates to another level, You have to stay on constant alert when you are out and about because at any moment you may be forced to face your dreaded fear.
If you have a fear of birds then you already know they are everywhere. Someone without your fear may not even notice them or give them a thought. Yet for you, birds may be all you can think about and notice when you are out and about. Even TV adverts seem to be filled with birds, such as funky pigeons, these days. And if you’ve been struggling with the fear and anxiety then fear of birds hypnotherapy may be just what you need to help you feel better.
And if you are of a certain generation (like I am!) then you may very well remember the ‘Stop the Pigeon’ cartoon where Dastardly and Muttley, and assorted others associated with them, would try and do whatever they could to stop a carrier pigeon from reaching it’s destination. I can’t remember where the pigeon was going, or why it had to be stopped so that the message didn’t get through, but stopped it must be (amusingly and unsuccessfully). I suppose these days it would be like having a cartoon of someone trying to stop an email or a Whatsapp reaching the recipient. That would not make a very entertaining kids cartoon.
The theme tune went along these lines:
So stop the pigeon
Stop the pigeon
Stop the pigeon
Stop the pigeon
Stop the pigeon
Stop the pigeon
Stop the pigeon
Nab him
Jab him
Tab him
Grab him
Stop that pigeon now!
And if you have a fear of birds you may very well wish that someone else would get out there and nab, jab and get rid of all the pigeons (and other birds) that occupy themselves in the places that you go. Whilst little birds will likely be well gone before you could get anywhere in close proximity to them, pigeons are a different breed of animal altogether (you know what I mean!).
The Fear of Birds
The most frustrating thing about a fear of birds is that you know, logically, that they are harmless. You know that they are more frightened of you than you are of them. And you know that if you advance towards them then they will move. Yet your fear of birds just doesn’t get it that you are actually completely safe.
The sight and sound of birds may trigger your fear and anxiety. And maybe the sound of them is a bit of a trigger too. Flapping wings will almost certainly be something that fills you with panic.
Some people have to look away if a bird appears on TV or in an image. Others would struggle just to hold a feather or a toy bird. And then there is all the worry and dread and anticipation if you are going somewhere and you may encounter birds. Whether you are going somewhere new, or to somewhere where you’ve seen birds before, the anxiety and fear starts to build up before you even get there.
You might plan your trips to avoid hanging around in places like train stations, outdoor food venues or big public spaces, where you know there will almost certainly be birds. You can avoid places, flee at the sight of a bird or just freeze in sheer panic. Because birds, like pigeons, will be in places with people you know they could swoop down at any moment from some ledge or other high up place. You can’t always plan when a bird will appear and that heightens your anxiety. They wander around and block your way and they have a habit of being very interested in what you are doing in case you have some food they can scrounge.
Flapping wings, cooing and just the thought of a bird encounter can lead to racing thoughts, an increased heart rate, accelerated breathing, restlessness and that wave of adrenaline that feels so uncomfortable.
And, of course, other people just don’t get it or understand which can add to your stress when meeting people or going out socially. You know if there is food or there are people then there will be birds. They aren’t particularly interested in you, they just want food, but you find yourself preoccupied and super-focused upon them. Birds can dominate your thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
Overcoming Your Fear of Birds
I’ve worked with many people who wanted to overcome their life long fear of birds. They wanted to stop the anxiety and fear that irrationally stopped them doing things and that preoccupied their waking thoughts before and during going places. They had simply had enough of being limited by their own fear.
Here’s what one such person had to say after her fear of birds hypnotherapy sessions:
“I went in with an open mind as I have been scared of birds my whole life, I contacted Dan seeing if he could help me. We had a consultation and it felt right, he’s professional but a human and made me feel comfortable! After 5/6 session I can confidently say I’m no longer terrified of birds! I may never own a parrot but I can go about my life without the fear of a pigeon. 5 stars and top class, thank you Dan! Legend.”
No more worrying if there are going to be birds wherever you go. No more avoiding eating outside or anxiously waiting on a platform for a train. Once your fear is gone, you may not even notice the birds that are around you or give them a second thought.
Fear of Birds Hypnotherapy
A fear of birds can lead to a roller coaster of fear and anxiety. You know that as you go places there will almost certainly be encounters. Some of these are predictable, like markets and train stations. Yet so many situations can be unexpected and carry that constant element of being on edge in case you are surprised.
You know that birds themselves are harmless. After all, there are thousands of people who go out purposefully looking to spot different types of birds and there are those who breed them or keep them. However, for whatever reason and probably since young, your habitual thoughts, feelings, anticipation and expectation create a sense of seemingly uncontrollable fear.
Fear of birds hypnotherapy can help you to break that pattern of fear. You can calm your thoughts, feelings, associations and behaviours about birds. That sense of calm perspective and freedom will then mean you can get on with your life and relax about whether or not you come across birds.
To your health and happiness,
Dan Regan
Award Winning Anxiety Hypnotherapist in Ely & Newmarket
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